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Eligibility Criteria


If you have been convicted in Canada of a crime that you did not commit, Innocence Canada may be able to help.

At this time, Innocence Canada is only accepting applications from applicants who have been:

Before you submit an application, please reach out to our Director of Client Services, Win Wahrer, by email at or by phone at 416-504-7500 ext. 5 or toll-free 1-800-249-1329.

*Please note that meeting the eligibility criteria below does not guarantee that Innocence Canada will accept you as a client and adopt your case. All cases that meet our eligibility criteria will be reviewed, however, we can only accept you as a client and adopt your case if we can find new matters of significance as required by the Criminal Code of Canada (for more information, please visit the Case Review Process page). This is not a result of Innocence Canada taking a position on your innocence or guilt, it depends on whether we can identify new evidence or new avenues of your case which can be explored.